Meet the Professors Emeriti






Cheers began life on April 29th, 1984 in a cold dark barn
where he was slowly starved until an equine rescue
organization and the sheriff's police raided the farm where
he was at and took him and several other horses under their care. We adopted him when he was a little over a year old and he was part of the family ever since. Cheers was the kindest, gentlest horse we have ever known. In fact, we never met a child that was apprehensive in approaching him, despite his tall height. We think they instinctively sensed his nature.

Barn Name: Cheer's from Nowhere's

Vital Statistics: 16.2 hand National Show Horse that was a registered 1/2 Arab gelding while in actuality he was a 3/4 Arab - 1/4 Saddlebred. He passed away on January 19, 2003 - the coldest night of the year, ironically - since he warmed our hearts the most.

ID Tips: Chestnut with four white socks, kind eyes, light brown mane and tail.

Idiosyncrasy: Cheers had too many to list them all. Here are some of our favorites. He loved to lick and many times we would find a purring barn cat wet from head to toe from his licking. He identified with people and other animals more than horses. Sadly while happy in the barn with his friends his greatest fear was to be left alone in the barn. Despite his very happy life here we guess he never forgot those early terrifying days...

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